A downloadable game for Windows

Hardcore adventure about delivering, action and aith 4 different biomes.

When the driver of the Element Express Delivery service started the engine of his reliable van, he knew that today's route would be a challenge. Four parcels, four mailboxes and a deadly danger lurking at every turn.
He checked his list twice, making sure that all the addresses were correct. The first stop was in a quiet suburban area, where he drove up to the first mailbox and dropped a package there. As he turned to go back to the van, he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. Hastening his steps, he knew that danger could be waiting anywhere...

Made by:

  • Me (email)
  • Pavel (level designer)
  • Nikita and Nikita! (our 3d artists and designers)
  • Grigory (Gamedesigner & lead level designer)


Elemental Delivery v1.0.3.zip 302 MB

Install instructions

Unzip, launch the .exe file, play!

Development log

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